You have big dreams but when it comes to pulling the trigger, there’s always something that stops you. Maybe it’s fear of failure, maybe it’s the curse of perfectionism that prevents you from ever getting started, or maybe it’s simply a lack of self-belief. Whatever it is, Tiger’s Eye ensures that you persevere and chase down those dreams. No matter how big they are.
The best gemstone for willpower, Tiger’s Eye increases energy output towards goals that inspire success. Perpetual enthusiasm sends you ploughing forward with your ideas, refusing to slow down until you’ve turned them into reality. Believe in yourself, even if nobody else will - you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Tiger’s Eye reminds you of that frequently, ensuring procrastination, complacency, and distractions are all avoided on your journey. It accelerates your growth of character, placing logical thought on a pedestal so that you can make hard, fast decisions without worrying for too long.
Keep the desire to achieve burning inside you.
Affirmation: Use determined mantras such as “I will achieve success” to increase the stone’s effects.
Since Tiger’s Eye is a natural stone, the colors may vary slightly from stone to stone, making each one utterly unique.